Connect with your core values and see how they are showing up-- or not-- in your daily life.

Understand how running connects to more fundamental parts of your self. Learn what drives you.

Find language to express your "why". Use your Why to drive you forward in challenging moments!

It's more than just running

Your "why" doesn't have to be noble or altruistic, but it does have to be authentic. There are millions of ways that you could spend your time, but you choose to spend it training, racing, getting uncomfortable and challenging yourself. Understanding why can take you from a passive participant in your live to someone who is actively in control and choosing the activities that drive them. 

Pace Yourself

This workbook as designed for you to do on a schedule that works for you and your life.  Download today & go at your own pace. 

Live With Intention

Train and race from a place of self awareness.